Excellent CQC Compliance Review October 2011

The Care Quality Commission visited us in October 2011. During their visit they would be auditing Sunnyside House on different essential standards and would reach one of the following judgements in each outcome looked into:

a. Compliant b. Minor Concern c. Moderate Concern d. Major Concern

We are proud to announce that we were judged as “Compliant” in all 6 Outcome areas judged which is the best possible scoring available to us and we would like to congratulate everyone that has supported us with all of the improvements we have made in the last few years. To view a draft copy of the CQC compliance visit report please see the attached document. some of the quotes from the report include:

Outcome 01 – Respecting and involving people who use services
“People are involved, where possible, in making decisions about their care and treatment. Their responses to the service provided are taken account of and acted upon”

Outcome 04 – Care and welfare of people who use services
“People who use this service receive good care and support that meets their needs”

Outcome 07 – Safeguarding people who use services from abuse
“People living at Sunnyside receive safe care and support through appropriate procedures and practice being in place”

Outcome 10 – Safety and suitability of premises
“People live in a comfortable and accessible environment”

Outcome 14 – Supporting Workers
“People receive care from staff who receive training for their roles and are supported and supervised in their roles”

Outcome 16 – Assessing and monitoring the quality of service provision
“People live in a service where the quality is monitored and their opinions are considered”

Click to View the Full Report Click to View the Full Report